September 1, 2024

Carlsen Beats Artemiev In „Tough“ Speed Chess Match

GM Magnus Carlsen (@MagnusCarlsen) defeated GM Vladislav Artemiev (@Sibelephant) 13.5-9.5 in Thursday’s quarterfinal of the Speed Chess Championship. Carlsen will now face GM Maxime Vachier-Lagrave (@Lyonbeast) in the semifinals.

How to watch?
The games of the Speed Chess Championship Main Event are played on the live server. They are also available on our platform for watching live games at and on our apps under „Watch.“ Expert commentary can be enjoyed at

The live broadcast of the match.

Before this Speed Chess match, Carlsen and Artemiev had played four games at a fast time control, with the Norwegian winning two besides two draws. However, the players drew twice in the 2020 Chessable Masters this summer. Carlsen was the favorite and Artemiev a dangerous dark horse.
