September 20, 2024

Internet-Treffen FÜR ALLE beim Frauenschach der ECU

202312_ECU Exchange Forum

WICHTIG: Die Amtssprache bei dem Treffen ist Englisch!

Dear chess friends,

We would like to invite you to our next ECU Women’s Commission Exchange Forum.
In this 45-min online seminar, we will give an overview over our work to date and share with you are our event plans for the upcoming year.
We would also would like to invite everyone from the chess society to leverage this forum as an opportunity to make their voices heard and tell us about your ideas, event wishes, …

Event Details

  • Online seminar on zoom
  • Wednesday, 13.12.2023, 19.00 – 19.45 CET
  • Registration: to save your place, please send us your full name and country to

Please find the detailed event description attached.

Furthermore, we would like to invite you to fill in our feedback survey and share your input on attended events, sources of information, and suggestions for the future:
Your feedback guides us in enhancing our initiatives and fostering a welcoming and vibrant community for women in chess.

Best wishes
Lilli Hahn


Lieber Walter,

Hier ein weiteres Event der ECU Frauenkommission, dass du gerne teilen kannst, damit viele mitmachen können.Viele Grüße 


Tatiana Flores
International Chess Journalist