Die Education Commission der ECU lädt zu einer Diskussion ein! Moderiert wird sie von der deutschen Journalistin, Autorin und Schachspielerin Tatiana Flores.
The book cover of May the Best Player Win.
Photo Credit: Penguin Random House, courtesy of Kyla Zhao.
A story can change the game for your students!
This month we invite you for a public meeting with Kyla Zhao, the author of the newly published book *May the Best Player Win* and Tatiana Flores, a chess journalist, 2021 World Chess Champion for People with Disabilities. Together, we will discuss the various themes presented in the book and how they relate to chess in education. Since stories inspire and educate children on many different levels, chess educators should bring this story to their students‘ attention. Its themes can generate discussion topics that are worth talking about in the classroom.
„A fierce yet tender narrative [that is] rich in emotions and facts. It will enlighten the young audiences’ minds with the usage of a smart and educative language. A top recommendation for young readers.“
Tatiana Flores, book review.
Discussion Group Meeting
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