Februar 12, 2025

FIDE Ethics Commission releases first instance decision on Case 11/2023

The FIDE Ethics Commission has announced its first instance decision on Case 11/2023, related to the alleged violation of the FIDE Charter and EDC Code.

The Panel of the FIDE Ethics & Disciplinary Commission (EDC Panel) has announced the first instance decision to a complaint from the Ukrainian Chess Federation, Mr. Andrii Baryshpolets and Mr. Peter Heine Nielsen against both the Russian Chess Federation and the FIDE President, Mr. Arkady Dvorkovich.

According to the decision, CFR is sanctioned by a temporary exclusion of membership in FIDE for two years from the date of this decision. The exclusion does not affect the rights of players, arbiters, trainers, and clubs belonging to the CFR to participate in chess activities.

Arkady Dvorkovich is sanctioned to a reprimand.

The first instance decision of the EDC Panel is available HERE, in full.

The decision may be appealed to the EDC Appeal Panel by giving written notice of such appeal to the EDC Chairman within 21 days from the date upon which this decision is received.

Response from FIDE:

FIDE acknowledges the first instance decision of the FIDE Ethics and Disciplinary Commission (EDC) on the issue of charges against the CFR and FIDE President, Mr. Arkady Dvorkovich.

We welcome the fact that the Panel found the vast majority of the charges brought against Mr. Dvorkovich to be unfounded. Bearing in mind that, according to the procedure, this decision can be appealed to the Appeals instance of the EDC, FIDE will refrain from commenting on the merits of the case until it is reviewed by the court of appeal.